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VEHICLE SALES AGREEMENT - Hợp đồng mua bán xe tải
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Thuộc tính Form mẫu chung
Sealaw đánh giá Đây là mẫu chuẩn đã kiểm chứng, đạt điểm 8/10
Ngày cập nhật 4/24/2017 10:32:52 AM
Loại tệp tin
Phí 3.000 VNĐ
Lượt tài về 0
Giới thiệu văn bản:
This is VEHICLE SALES AGREEMENT. The contract included 13 terms and regulated rights and obligations of parties.
Table of Contents
Điều 1. Description of Acquired Vehicle.
Điều 2. Consideration.
1. Purchase Price
Điều 3. Delivery of Acquired Vehicle and Conveyance of Title
1. Delivery of Acquired Vehicle.
2. Conveyance of Title.
Điều 4. Representations, Warranties, and Disclosures
1. Warranties.
2. Odometer Declaration.
3. Buyer Representation.
Điều 5. Buyer's Responsibility −− Insurance and Tags
Điều 6. Continuation of Representations and Warranties.
Điều 7. Indemnification of Attorneys Fees and out-of-pocket costs.
Điều 8. Integration.
Điều 9. Severability
Điều 10. Modification.
Điều 11. Acknowledgements.
Điều 12. Exclusive Jurisdiction for Suit in Case of Breach
Điều 13. State Law.
Điều 3. Delivery of Acquired Vehicle and Conveyance of Title
1. Delivery of Acquired Vehicle. Seller shall deliver the Acquired Vehicle, and Buyer shall take possession of same, at Seller's premises (either in person or through a third party) on or before ("Delivery Date"). If delivery is to be made at a date after the execution of this contract, it is Seller's duty to ensure that the Acquired Vehicle is delivered in the same condition as when last inspected by the Buyer (or, if no Buyer inspection, the execution date of this agreement). It is Buyer's duty, either in person or through a third party to appear at Seller's premises during standard business hours on or before the Delivery Date to remove the Acquired Vehicle from Seller's premises. However, if Buyer fails to appear at Seller's premises on or before the Delivery Date to accept possession of the Acquired Vehicle, then risk of loss passes to the Buyer on the Delivery Date.
2. Conveyance of Title. Seller shall convey title to Buyer upon delivery of the vehicle to Buyer. Seller agrees and covenants to execute all documents presented by Buyer which are necessary to finalize transfer of title and registration upon the Acquired Vehicle to Buyer.

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